How increase the views on YouTube


YouTube is one of the biggest money making platform in the internet space, but many of the YouTube users are struggling to earn money because of their poor performance. Youtubers still have a long way to go. If the goal of your video is to rack up YouTube views, you have some tough competition.
The reach and power of this Social media platform has been experienced and demonstrated by many celebrities, personalities and artists and have managed to be stack a lot of viewers. But no one knows what they actually did and used to be a success all this while.
Before we get started, remember nothing is built in a day, hence, there is no fool proof method for turning your video into an overnight viral success. YouTube allows you to connect with potential customers through a more targeted approach.
It may take time for your videos to start taking off, but these handful of tips will head you in the right direction and get you more views on youtube, that you’re getting today.

  1. Upload Quality Videos on Continues

YouTube users always prefer High Quality videos, because it will give a full satisfaction to users while watching the videos. So, upload good quality videos and get more views automatically.
  1. Give Proper Title

After the uploading give a suitable title for your video, it can be up to 60 characters. Always give a fresh title for new videos, don’t use already used titles. Make keyword research and select the right Title because the title is the one the important factor in the search.
  1. Write Clear Description

Description is another important point in the search results. So, write some brief description about your video, it can be up to 2 paragraphs. Use Related words about your video.
  1. Use Keywords in “Tags” in your video

Tags are the keywords of a Video, so select different tags from your title and description. You can use multiple tags in a single video. You can use tags that describe your video as well as other relevant popular videos to make sure that as many people as possible see your video when they are searching YouTube.
  1. How Get More Subscribers

If you have a more subscribers for your Youtube Channel it is easy to get views for every new video. Youtube channel is all about likes and subscribers. Because the subscribers can get every upload from your channel. Hence, this is yet another way to boost your views on Youtube.
6.Viral Marketing on your video
It is another way for getting views for your Youtube videos.  If you own a blog or website, you can get views by embedded and add your Youtube videos. YouTube provides many viral marketing advantages, from easily embedding videos on websites to sharing them on social media. Viewers constantly cycle and share videos with friends, co-workers and family members through these mediums, thus creating a rippling effect.
7.Use Social Media Networks
Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus are the helpful platform for increase video views. If you have a strong friends circle, you can get more views by sharing videos in your profile.
8.Response to Popular Videos
Make Response to already Popular videos by Response features in YouTube.  If your response will be approved you will get tons of views for your videos.
9.Video responses
Another way in get more views on your YouTube videos is by posting them as video responses on more popular related videos. It’s easy to do and can get you a substantial number of clicks, if you’re lucky and post to the right video.
10. Don't upload Fake Video
Don’t upload fake videos in YouTube it will waste the users time and also, it makes the visitors angry. So, upload Original videos regularly. This will in turn increase your youtube video views.


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